Tuxedo black and white ragdoll cat – Physical characteristics, Health issues

You may know about ragdoll cat, they are well-reputed in the cat lovers community due to their docile, friendly, and affectionate nature. They are like dreams come true for every cat lover because they are very loving and affectionate. 

They are famous due to their cuddly nature and they love to cuddle their owners and go limp with pleasure on their lap. They love to play around with their owners and love to spend family time. All this nature of a ragdoll cat makes them a fascinating cat. 

Tuxedo black and white ragdoll cat

According to the Ragdoll Fanciers Club, ragdoll cats are recognized in different variations of coat colors like lilac, and creamy, chocolates, with different patterns like Colourprint, mitted, bicolored, lynx point, tortie, etc. 

The tuxedo black and white ragdoll cat is also one of variation of coat colour and pattern, rather a different breed and they are characterized by their distinctive black and white colour. Tuxedo black and white ragdoll is also a famous ragdoll cat and attract the attention of various cat enthusiasts. 

If you are also a ragdoll lover and planning to bring a Tuxedo ragdoll cat into your family then this article may help you to understand them. In this article, we will explore A to Z about this Tuxedo ragdoll cat.

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What is Tuxedo black and white ragdoll cat?

Tuxedo ragdoll cat is a pure ragdoll cats with a special black and white colour pattern. Sometime it is called “Bi-colored” pattern. They are predominantly covered with long black coats and have a white bib on their chest and white paws. They have beautiful triangular white fur on the middle portion of their faces. Sometimes they also have white fur at the end of their tails. 

It is also noticed variations of the black-white patterns in Tuxedo cats, with more white or more black markings than others. It depends on their genes which come from their parent breed. 

Ragdoll may have a Tuxedo pattern with distinctive blue eyes, this could indicate a pure breeding of ragdoll cat. Despite their blue eyes their genes could be mixed/diluted in their ancestry.

The “Tuxedo” pattern is observed in huge varieties of cat breeds. It is mostly found in male cats.

The history of the Tuxedo ragdoll cat is not well documented because the Tuxedo is a color pattern rather than a breed. That’s why their exact place of origin and when they originated is not known.

Tuxedo Ragdoll Cat Appearance and Physical Characteristics


Tuxedo pattern ragdoll have a long black and silky coat with white color fur covering the whole chest. White colour fur is also found on their paw and on the tip of tails.

Tuxedo pattern ragdoll cat is the largest domestic cat breed. The weight of male cat is between 15 to 20 pounds whereas female cat weight is around 10 to 15 pounds. They generally have muscular body with broad chest, and large size paw. 

Since they are one colour variant of ragdoll cat so they also have captidative blue eyes. Looks awesome! But sometime the colour variation of different shades eyes e.g sky blue, deep shappire blue colour is also obsereved. 


Tuxedo black and white ragdoll cat is very affectionate and family orientated cat. They loves to enjoy family time and thrive for human companionship. They often seeks for cuddle from their favorite human and run around of them for careing interaction. 

One of the most attracting personality of this tuxedo ragdoll cat is their laid and gentle nature. They are also very calm nature. This is why they can maintain easy compatibility with childrens, cats and also with dogs. Their relaxed nature makes them less agressive cat. Thus tuxedo ragdoll is suitable for multi pet houses. 

Tuxedo ragdoll cat is also very intelligent and adaptable in nature. They learn new stuff very easily, so they are easily trainable cat. 

Since they are adaptable in nature thus so they can adapt themselves easily in new environment. It is very good thing for busy owners who can get less time to train their cat.

They enjoy to interact in brain training games such as puzzle toys and games which challenge their cognitive ability. 

cat paw

Potential health issues of Tuxedo ragdoll

Tuxedo ragdoll cat may suffer in some major porential health problems. 

The most problematic disease that majorly affect almost every cat breed is HCM (Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) and ragdoll is not separated from them. 

This disease causes the thickening of the heart muscle causes malfunctioning of the heart rate and blood circulation. Sometimes this disease causes heart failure. 

An early symptom of this disease includes difficulty in breathing, fainting, and lethargy. So if this is happening to your feline then immediate medication is essential. Proper treatment under the guidance of cat specialist can relieve your feline to come out from the situation.

They may also suffer in kidney stones and chronic kidney disease. The symtopms of kidney disease is vomiting, rapid urination, excessive thrist and weight loss. Balance diet with proper hydration of your cat can help to avoid such kidney disease.

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What is the average lifespan of Tuxedo ragdoll?

The age of ragdoll cats can depend on various factors, but a healthy Tuxedo ragdoll cat can live up to 12 to 15 years. Proper nutritious food, regular healthy checkups and early curing of disease will be helpful for your feline to live longer. 

Where Can I Find a Tuxedo Ragdoll Cat?

If you want to purchase Tuxedo ragdoll cat then you can purchased from registered cat breeders. Apart from that you can approach to the online advertisers and rescue shelters.

Remember that Tuxedo pattern cats are not care but technically it is not considered as ragdoll cat. 

That is why when you purchase a Tuxedo ragdoll cat, you will get it in quite lower price than traditional ragdoll cat.

Wrapping up…

So here in this article, we discussed some points regarding the Tuxedo ragdoll cat. This might clear some doubts about “Tuxedo black and white ragdoll cat”. 

You should remember that a Tuxedo is not a breed but it is just a bi-colored pattern which is observed in various other cats breed also.

Though Tuxedo is not considered as a different breed of ragdoll but their looks are very captivating. Their friendly, family-oriented, adapting, and intelligent nature cathes the eyes of many ragdoll lovers. 

So if want to bring up a ragdoll cat into your house Tuxedo ragdoll is obviously a good choice.

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