Ragdoll Cats and Allergies – Common cause & symptoms!

Ragdoll Cats and Allergies

Are you an owner of a ragdoll cat or planning to bring up a ragdoll cat in your home? Then it is essential to know about the different allergies of ragdoll cats because they are prone to some common allergy problems. Many cat experts say that Ragdoll Cats and Allergies have a deeper connection.

Ragdoll cats can suffer from different skin allergies so it is imperative to note their allergies before adopting them. Skin disease may arise due to allergies, infections, or mites. Skin allergies may occur due to food poisoning or environmental factors.

In this article, we will explore different allergy problems of ragdoll cats and their prevalence in the cat’s world. We will also explore how to prevent this allergy and the necessary steps to take so your favorite feline can lead a happy and healthy life.

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Understanding Ragdoll Cats

Ragdoll cat is well-known among cat fanciers for their docile, affectionate, and laid-back nature. They are very loyal and calm-natured cats and enjoy a good cuddle time with their owners. They are one of the largest cat breeds with weights ranging from 8 to 20 pounds. 

The most striking features of ragdoll cat is their captivating blue eyes with silky long fur. Thus they look attractive and stylish feline. 

The Ragdoll cat was first bred in 1960 by a cat breeder named Ann Baker in California. The history of the evolution of the ragdoll cat is also interesting. The ragdoll cat was bred from a cat named Josephine. When she was pregnant she was hit by a car accident. But by god grace her kitten was saved by a veterinarian. But the offspring of Josephine had some unique features like they are too much affectionate and human lovers. Then the cat breeder Ann Baker adopted some of the offspring and named them “Ragdoll”.

Some common Allergies in Ragdoll cat: Causes and Symptoms

Ragdoll Cats and Allergies
Image source: Pexel

Here are some common allergies and symptoms in ragdoll cats: 

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis is a common allergic problem observed in many cat breeds. Rhinitis in cats is a condition where the lining of the nose is inflamed. This condition creates difficulty in breathing, smelling, and lethargy in Ragdoll cats and disturbs their mood due to the increasing mucous amount in the nose. 

The common symptoms of this allergy are excessive itchiness to the nose, nasal discharging, and sneezing. This makes your cat irritating.

Common cause: the common cause of this problem is dust, 

Food Allergy

Food allergy is also a common allergy seen in ragdoll cat. Good food is best for the health of your cat. Similarly, some food causes allergies in your ragdoll cats. Food allergy affects the gut and results gastro gastrointestinal problems. This also causes skin allergies.

This food allergy mainly affects ragdolls’ gut and skin when they are two to six years old. The common symptoms of food allergy are vomiting, not showing interest on eating, or diarrhea, lack of appetite, gas passing, hair loss etc.

Some common food that ragdols are sensitive is: beef, pork, chicken, fish, egg, corn, milk, soy, etc. 

Allergies to the environment

Ragdolls also suffer allergies due to the environment also. If the environment is unhealthy, full of dust particles, or dirty then this type of allergy occurs in their body. The common reasons of this allergy is dust, pet dander, mites, pollens, etc.

The common symptoms of allergies include sneezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing, and even asthma.

Skin allergies

Skin allergies occur to the body when they are exposed to something that triggers the immune system. This allergen may be mites or fleas, dust allergens, pollens, or food allergens. 

The flea-related allergies are most common in cats. Flea or insect saliva contains some specific antigens that trigger their immune system. Sometimes a single flea bite can cause a severe allergy reaction in cat’s body. That ultimately leads to skin rashes, itchiness, inflammation, and irritation.

Ragdoll cat allergies treatment

Ragdolls are prone to allergies like other cats. If you see your ragdolls suffer in some allergies then notice their common symptoms and go to your regular veterinarians as they will provide you the best tips for their treatment.

There are some common home remedies you can use to treat their galleries. But you should remember that they can suffer in allergic reactions due to various allergens like fleas or parasites, dust particles, pollens, or other various factors. 

These are some common home remedies that you can adopt to avoid the allergic reaction in your ragdoll:

Vitamin C contains antiallergic molecules ‘antihistamin’ which helps to reduce the symptoms of allergies. Vitamin C is also helpful to improve the immune systems in body.

If your cat is facing an allergic reaction to some specific food then change their dietary habits. Remove that particular allergic food from their plate and add good food. You can also do some trials and error which will suit your cats well. 

Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the symptoms of allergy. It mainly helps to reduce the skin infection/allergy caused by mites.

Dust particles or dirty bed can be harmful to your cat and causes allergy. So keep their places always clean and dust-allergen-free. If you notice your cat is facing excessive breathing problems then consult immediately with the cat veterinarian.

Frequently asked question

Are Ragdoll cats bad for allergies?

Like other cats, ragdolls are also prone to some allergies mainly due to food, environments, flea or mites, pollens, or dust allergens.

Do Ragdoll cats produce dander?

Like other cats, ragdolls also produce danders. This is the common reason of their allergies.

Final message

In this article, I have explained Ragdoll Cats and Allergies the common symptoms, and how you can treat them with some common home remedies.

If I can share my experience that a clean and dust-free environment is very good for your cat and reduces the chance of allergies. 

So always consider a clean environment, good nutrients food, and vitamin C containing foods that will help to increase their immunity. 

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