Do ragdoll cats like water or it’s a myth?

Are you the owner of a ragdoll cat or want to buy one? You might have heard that ragdolls like to play with water. Well, let’s dive deep into this topic and understand Do ragdoll cats like water, or is it a myth?

Do ragdoll cats like water

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Ragdoll cats are well known for their docile, calm, and easygoing nature, and they follow their owners all around the house like dogs. Thus, sometimes ragdoll cats are called ‘puppy cats.” But when the question of liking water comes up, many owners wonder whether their ragdoll likes it or not.

We all know that many cats have an adverse relationship with water. They always maintain a 100-metre distance from the water, even though some of them absolutely dislike taking a bath. But there are many cat breeds in the world, like the Turkish van breed and Bengal, which are well known for their love of water. Now the question is, where does our ragdoll poppy lie?

In this article, we will explore whether ragdoll cats like water or not. So if you are a ragdoll owner and curious about your furry friend’s relationship with water, keep reading this article.

Do ragdoll cats like water?

When it comes to liking water, yes, ragdoll cats like water. But you will not find a ragdoll cat jumping into a pool or an enthusiast taking a bath. Most of the ragdoll cats like to play with water. They like to watch flowing water but hate to get wet and immersed in it. They often dip their paws in the running water due to their curious nature. However, like other cats, Ragdoll also hates to bathe and swim in water.

Many ragdoll owners have noticed that their lovely felines frequently follow them while they go to take a shower in the bathroom and try to paw the shower water. Or it will jump onto the sink bench while you are filling the sink with water.

In this manner, a ragdoll loves water. They mainly love to play with water. But this is not the case for all ragdoll cats. This nature also varies from one ragdoll to another. Some ragdoll cats love water, and they even jump into the shower or bathtub to play with it, while others keep as far away from it as possible.

This variation is observed in ragdoll cats. So what is the reason behind it? First of all, we have to understand that each ragdoll cat has a unique nature and unique preferences. Some ragdoll cats love water because their owners enjoy water activities. While following their owners, they also join their owners and become water lovers.

On the other hand, some ragdoll cats see water as a potential danger, and they become cautious. This might happen to your cat if he has a past trauma or bad experience with water, such as accidentally falling down into a lake or being caught in the rain. If this kind of past incident happened to your cat, then don’t force them until their fear of water is completely removed.

Do ragdoll cats like baths?

Regular grooming is necessary for your ragdoll to become clean enough. But ragdolls are playful, and if you are like me and let your ragdoll play freely in the backyard for a short period of time, then there is a chance that they may return with dirt and mud in their fur. Because ragdolls are very playful on the ground,

Ragdoll likes to play with water. I am confidently saying this. But when it comes to bathing, no, they don’t like to take a bath easily. You will face difficulty while bathing them.

Regular bathing is not necessary for ragdoll cats because they maintain a self-cleaning process. They clean their own fur with their tongues. That’s why regular bathing is not necessary.

Except for bathing, brushing your ragdoll cat can be an alternative way to make your ragdoll’s fluffy fur shiny and groomed. It is very good to habituate your ragdoll cat by brushing them from childhood. Kitten ragdolls are not as fluffy as fully-grown ragdolls, so it is easier to brush them. They should be brushed twice per week.

Besides keeping them groomed, brushing is also a good opportunity to check their health issues in the body, like infections, lesions, flea bites, etc.

Do ragdolls have a fear of water?

No, ragdolls don’t have a fear of water, but they like to play with it. Of course, like other cats, ragdolls are also reluctant to bathe, but many ragdoll owners have noticed that their friendly felines often run towards the flowing water source, either in the bathroom shower or garden water channel, and touch it with their paw. This happens because they are curious and have a love of water.

Like other cat breeds, ragdolls have the least fear of water. They love to play with it. But don’t confuse between ragdolls who love to play with water and those who love to play in water. Both cases are completely different.

So if you want to let your cat walk on wet and flowing water surfaces, then they will happily enjoy it. But don’t try to immerse it in water because they are afraid of it very much.

Do ragdoll cats swim in water?

Do ragdoll cats like water

Ragdoll cats generally don’t like to get immersed in water. And ragdolls swim for their survival. Ragdolls are dry animals, and they do not need regular bathing. They clean themselves with their tongues. Thus, from their kittenhood, they come into less contact with water. Thus, they are reluctant to do any activity where they get immersed in water.

Like other cats, Ragdoll is also a house-inside cat and prefers a comfortable, dry living room floor and dry bed carpet for their living.

So, I won’t recommend you test your ragdoll’s swimming skills, even if they can. Because it may create a traumatic situation for your ragdoll.

Cheakout our other posts: 

How do you introduce your ragdoll cat to water?

If your ragdoll doesn’t like water, then it may tense you. The introduction of your ragdoll cat to water is a slightly patient process. Most ragdoll cats don’t like to get immersed in water. Here are some tips that can help you introduce your cat to water.

Introduce them from their kittenhood.

It is very good to introduce your ragdoll to water from their kittenhood. It will create a good water memory in your kitten, so if there is any fear, it can be minimized as much as possible when they grow into adults.

Gradual Introduction

Start gently keeping your ragdoll near the water without immersing them. Let them sniff water, paw into it, and feel the water at their own pace. Don’t force them; let them explore it at their own pace. You can use treats or toys to create a positive association with water.

Wet Their Paws

Once your cat seems comfortable, wet your fingers, gently stroke their fur, and give water to their paws. This will give them the sensation of water. Reward them with treats to encourage them.

Gradually immerse them in water.

Now it’s time to introduce your ragdoll cat gradually to the water. Fill a container or a sink with warm water and let your cat explore it on their own terms. Make sure to hold your cat gently but firmly so they can’t escape while introducing them to water. but don’t force them into the water.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is required while introducing them to water. Praise them, give treats and treats, and show affection when they show curiosity to go into the water.

Use warm water.

Make sure your water is warm because many ragdoll cats don’t like cold water.

Wrapping up…

Always remember that every cat is unique, and not all cats enjoy the water. If your ragdoll cat doesn’t like water then don’t try to force them to like it instead find other ways to introduce them with water.

There is no clear answer as to whether every ragdoll cat enjoys water or not. But surely they enjoy playing with water (mainly flowing water) and some ragdoll cats enjoy dipping into the water in the bathtub. But it is important to allow cats in water activities with the safest approach and never force them to immerse in water.

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