
Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats

Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats

Ragdoll vs Balinese cat which one is better? Well, many new cat owners always ask the difference between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats and they are often confused about choosing between Ragdolls and Balinese Cats because Ragdoll and Balinese these two breeds have similar appearances. 

Ragdolls cats are well suited for family and they are famous for their docile and affectionate nature. They have medium-sized fur with different color patterns. 

Ragdolls are loyal to their owners and also enjoy a good cuddle session with them. Ragdolls are also known as “Puppy cats” because they follow their owners all around the house and greet them at the door.

On the other side, Balinese cats have medium to long hair. They are very intelligent and playful in nature. One distinctive feature of Balinese is that they are very vocal cats and talk with their owners.

In this article, I will explain everything about Balinese and Ragdoll cats, and their difference in appearance, personality, health considerations, etc., and at the end will also explore which one will be the right choice for you. 

Difference between Ragdoll and Balinese cats – Short Glimpse

Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats

What is Ragdoll cat?

Ragdoll cats are a famous cat breed in the cat lovers community due to their docile, friendly, and affectionate demeanorThey are calm and gentle cats. That’s why they are a perfect choice for the house having children and other pets e.g. cats, and dogs.

Ragdoll cats are very loving cats and love to spend time with their owners. They also spend a good cuddle session with their owners. The interesting thing about ragdolls is that they crave the owner’s attention so they follow their owners all around the house. Thus many ragdoll owners also called them ‘puppy cats’.

Another distinctive feature of ragdoll cats is they go limp when they picked up. This is one of the features of ragdoll cats which makes them extremely lovable.

Ragdoll cat was first bred in 1960, by a famous cat breeder named Ann Baker in California.

What is Balinese Cat?

Balinese cats are a variation of traditional ragdoll cats and look similar to the Siamese cat but have long hair. They have a sleek and slender body. 

They have unique color patterns on their paw, face, ear, and tails. They are also friendly, affectionate, and playful like ragdoll cats. They are very vocal and often engage in communication with the owners.

Physical Characteristics

Physical Characteristics of Ragdoll and Balinese are slightly similar though both the breeds are completely different. Ragdolls are slightly muscular and heavier than Balinese. 

Physical Characteristics of Ragdoll cat

Ragdoll cats are one of the largest cat breeds and they have big muscular, sturdy body. Ragdolls have medium-sized silky fur. They are found in various colors like red, flame, blue, lilac, seal, flame, chocolate, etc.

Their average weight is lies between 10 to 20 pounds and their average height around 9 to 11 inches.

They have pointed pattern coats, with deeper color prints on their face, paws, legs, and tails and slightly lighter colors on their body. 

Ragdolls have sweet faces with well-defined noses and slightly rounded heads. The most distinctive 

features of ragdoll cats are their oval-shaped striking blue eyes. Sometimes the color of the eyes varies from deep to sapphire blue.

They have medium-sized ears and medium-sized bushy tails which narrow down at the end.

Physical Characteristics of Balinese cat

ragdoll and balinese

Balinese cats have similar appearances to Siamese cats. But they have long hair, and slender and muscular body of average weight around 8 to 12 pounds with average height around 8 to 11 inches.

Balinese have long and silky creamy color coats with a distinctive deep color print on their paw, faces, ears, and tails and comparatively lighter colors on their body. The points are usually found in various colors like black, grey, brown, and even orange.

They also have round-shaped bright blue eyes and pointed ears and small round nose and a fluffy tail.

Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats – Personality traits

Here is the Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats:

Ragdoll cats Personality Traits

Ragdoll cats are a very popular cat breed in the cat lovers community due to their docile, friendly, and or laid-back demeanor. They are a perfect fit as a family cat. They love to spend time with their owners and take part in family time.

They are very gentle and non-aggressive cats. So ragdolls are a perfect choice for the multi-pet house. 

Ragdoll cats are sociable and playful cats. They can easily adapt to a new environment very easily. They are also very intelligent so they are easily trainable and love to play brain-teasing games such as puzzle feeders. Apart from this, they like the game that involves chasing toys, feather wands, and laser lights. 

Since ragdolls are indoor cats they don’t like the high-energy game that involves jumping in the fence or running the Himalayan cat.

Another adorable characteristic of ragdoll cats is their relaxed demeanor. They go limp when they picked up. This happens due to the oxytocin hormone released in their body while cuddling or in contact of their owners.  

Balinese Cats Personality Traits – Balinese cat personality

Balinese have almost similar characteristics to ragdoll cats but Balinese are more energetic and playful.

They also love to spend time with their human and spend a good family time. They are very vocal as their siamese relative but their voice is sweeter and melodic and communicate with their humans to express their needs or to get their attention.

They are playful and energetic so the kitties need toys and scratching things to keep them busy throughout the day. 

Balinese cats also go with children especially if the children are gentle and respectful. But it is also crucial to supervise when you first interact with your children with Balinese.

Their affectionate, loving, and loyal personality makes them a great choice as family cat. They make a strong bond with the owners and they often seek attention and will happily sit on your lap or cuddle with you.

Health Issues and Lifespan

Each cat suffers from some specific health problems, ragdoll and Balinese are not the exception. Both the breeds have some common health issues. 

Health issues of Ragdoll cats

Ragdolls have some common health issues which are enhanced with their ages. Obesity is one of the common health issues found in ragdoll cats because of their relaxed and docile temperaments. They are not that active and prone to overeating. 

The other health issues are:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

This is a kind of heart disease which are common to the ragdoll cats breed. In this disease, the thickening of the heart muscle occurs which ultimately leads to heart failure. 

The early symptoms are lethargy and difficulty in breathing.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

Ragdolls are very prone to urinary tract infections and this infection creates difficulty in urination and pain. 

Always notice their urination habit. If they urinate more frequently and if blood is noticed in their urine then immediately consult with a good veterinarian. 

Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD

In Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD newborn kittens are born with minuscule cysts in their kidney. The cysts grow large with their age and finally result in kidney failure.

As early symptoms, you will notice your ragdoll is facing excessive thirst.

Average lifespan of ragdoll cat

The average lifespan of a ragdoll cat is around 13 to 18 years old. 

Balinese cat health issues

Though Balineses is a healthy cat breed but they are also prone to some specific health issues. Some common health issues of Balinese cats are:


Balinese are prone to asthma, which causes coughing, sneezing, and difficulty in breathing problems. 

Dental disease

They are prone to some dental problems like gingivitis or periodontal disease. Dental problems can be avoided by regular brushing and frequent dental checkups. 

Progressive retinal atrophy

Progressive retinal atrophy is a genetic disease that comes from their parents. This is a very critical disease where cats’ eyes deteriorate over time and finally, they become blind.

Ragdoll and Balinese cats are healthy cats if they don’t carry any heredity disease. Regular veterinary checkups, proper nutrition, and regular exercise can be useful for a healthy and happy life.

Average lifespan of Balinese cat

The average lifespan of Balinese cats are above 15 years old. Some of them may live upto 20 years also.

Suitability – Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats

Well, we have explored both feline worlds and both cats have unique personalities and characteristics. 

If we look at ragdoll cats, then they are popular for their docile, relaxed and laid-back temperaments. They require low maintenance and minimum grooming and exercise. 

They are very social but not very actively playful like Balinese. They mostly enjoy indoor games rather than high-energy games.

So ragdolls are the best choice for the family who want a homely and gentle cat. 

On the other hand, if you are interested in bringing up a playful and energetic cat then Balinese is the right choice for you. 

Both Ragdoll and Balinese are well suited for the family and can easily go with the children’s and other pets and both of them are fluffy and beautiful cat breeds.


Well in this article we explored the Difference Between Ragdoll and Balinese Cats and saw their characteristics, personalities, and how they are different from each other. 

Ragdoll and Balinese have almost similar characteristics and personality but the main difference is their playfulness and energy factor. 

Balinese are comparatively more playful and energetic than Ragdoll. So they need toys and scratching posts to become engaged throughout the day. Whereas ragdoll cats are less energetic and entertain indoor games.

But both these cats are beautiful, perfect for family, and become your best friend of you.

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