Black Ragdoll Cat – Personality, Traits, You Need To Know Before Buying

Hay ragdoll lover if are also scratching your head with the question do black ragdoll cats exist or What are the basic personality/characteristics of a Black ragdoll cat then you are in the right position.

In this blog, I have explained in detail about Black ragdoll cats, and also you will see lots of photos of Black ragdolls throughout the article.

do black ragdoll cats exist?

Before getting into the details, let’s answer the most important question do black ragdoll cats exist? So the answer is Yes, Black ragdoll cats do exist. However, it is very rare. But black ragdoll cat is not a new breed and it was born in past by the Ann Baker in 1960.

But interestingly, Black ragdoll cat are not considered purebred ragdoll cats by the International Cat Association (TICA) and the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Because purebred ragdoll cats have the traditional color points like seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, and cream in their tail, ears, faces, and tails. But Black ragdoll cats don’t have this color pattern.

However, they have all the essential features that you notice in a traditional ragdoll cat-like silky coat, docile personality, and a long and sturdy body.

Why black ragdoll not considered as ‘purebred’ ragdoll?

Purebred ragdolls have some essential features that mark them as ‘Prebred’ ragdolls in the ragdoll community. And among them, some features don’t match with the Black ragdoll cat.

Color: Black ragdoll cat comes in a solid black color and they don’t have the traditional color pattern (seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red, and cream) in their body. This is why black ragdoll is not considered a purebred ragdoll cat.

Eye colour: Purebred ragdolls have deep blue captivating eye color. But Black ragdoll cat have yellow or green eyes.

Due to these differences, a Black ragdoll is not considered a purebred ragdoll cat.

black ragdoll cat personality and characteristics

black ragdoll cats personality and characteristics
Charecteristics & personality

Black ragdoll cats are not purebred ragdolls because they don’t have a similar color pattern as traditional ragdoll cats, but they have many similarities in temperament and physical characteristics like traditional ragdoll cats.

Like traditional ragdoll cat, black ragdoll are affectionate, docile, and tend to go limp when they are picked up into the arms. Because when you pick up a ragdoll cat they spread themselves to cuddle you more and feel the love.

They are also known for their gentle, relaxed, and docile nature. A fully grown black ragdoll cat has a long and sturdy body of size 23–28 cm, and a weight of 15–20 pounds.

They have black fur (that’s why the name!) and silky coat texture with a solid black color pattern. Also, they have large and bushy black tails.

Black ragdolls have a yellowish or greenish eye color which is different from traditional ragdoll cats.

Black ragdolls are relaxed, intelligent, and friendly. They can be a good companion for you, so if you are searching for a ragdoll cat for your home then Black ragdoll can be a good choice for you.

They can easily go with other pets like dogs or cats because of their less aggressive nature. So they are well suited for multipet houses.

Black Ragdoll Cats Temperament and nature

Black ragdolls are known for their friendly, affectionate, and docile nature. They will always follow you around the house and seek your attention. They occasionally sit on your lap in relaxed posture and cuddle you.

Although they are known for their docile nature, they can also be active. They are playful and often take part in family activities. Whether you want to play with toys or throw wollen balls, this fluffy fur can cooperate with you everywhere.

Black ragdoll cats can follow you around the house and also greet their owners at the doorstep when they return home.

Ragdoll cats are very intelligent and sociable. They can easily fit themselves according to the environment. They can show their affection by frequent cuddling and touching their body with the owner. Black ragdoll cats are expressive and communicate whenever they need love or food.

Can a black ragdoll cat with blue eyes exist?

No, black ragdoll cats don’t have blue eyes, even though it is rare of rarest to find a black ragdoll cat with blue eyes. A typical black ragdoll has green or yellowish eyes.

Importnat points of Black ragdoll cat

If you are planning to buy a Black ragdoll then you must know their eating and exercise habits which makes them healthy and energetic. Along with that, you should also be aware of their health and disease before buying. So let’s see each point one by one:

Food and diet

In the childhood period, ragdoll cats need more nutrients and good food to grow faster. Try to give them some extra food on their plate until they stop eating. Since little ragdolls are more energetic and playful at the kitten period they need more food.

When it reaches their fully grown period then try to reduce their food items to avoid obesity. The amount of food depends on their current growth rate and their health condition. You can consult a vet who can suggest you a proper diet chart for your furry ball.

Exercise and training

Ragdoll cats are well known for their large size. Thus they have a to tendency various health issues like obesity. So ragdoll cats need regular exercise to remain fit and fine.

They are very intelligent and learn new things easily. So they are easy to train. But always remember to give a treat, when they perform something new or follow your command. This will keep them stay motivated and happy.

Health issues

Black Ragdoll cats have some genetic health issues they carry from their parent ragdoll. Some of health issues are minor but there are some major health issues also that need to be taken seriously.

Here are some common health issues of ragdoll cats:

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM): Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy or HCM is a common heart disease observed in ragdoll cat. It is seen in almost all types of ragdoll cat and Black ragdoll is not an exception.

This results thickening of heart muscles which creates problems like difficulty in pumping blood, and at a later stage, it also leads to heart failure.

Urinary track infection and Bladder stones: It is also a serious health issue observed in ragdoll cats.

Weight gain or obesity: Obesity is a common health problem noticed in ragdoll cats. Their lazy and laid-back demeanor can make them prone to suffer in this disease.

They also suffer in other various health issues like Mucopolysaccharidosis, Mouth and gum disease, Gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

So if you are planning to buy a black ragdoll it is recommended to buy from a reputed seller. Though they can be transparent with all the health conditions. Regular health checkups are mandatory to prevent any serious health issues.


Are black ragdoll cats rare?

Yes, black ragdoll cats are rare. The most common type of ragdoll cat is the seal point.

How to tell if your black cat is a Ragdoll?

black ragdoll cats have all the characteristics like a traditional ragdoll cat. They have affectionate, friendly, and docile personalities which is a key identification of being a ragdoll cat. But black ragdoll cat have solid black color and have green/yellow eye colour.

How much do black Ragdolls cost?

If you are buying a ragdoll cat from a reputable breeder then it costs  $1,500 to $2,500 or more.

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