Are Ragdoll Cats Good with Dogs

Hay Ragdoll lovers are you an owner of Ragdoll Cat? Then you must know the characteristics of your Ragdoll Cat. Ragdoll cats are well-known for their cute, gentle, and loving nature. Ragdoll cats are also very docile and easygoing in nature especially when they are around younger children. They can maintain safe relationships and are patient with younger children. Sometimes owners who are already owners of dogs have query Are Ragdoll Cats Good with Dogs? 

Are Ragdoll Cats Good with Dogs

Ragdoll cats have a very sweet temperament. Except for other cat breeds, ragdolls have a very affectionate, docile nature, and sometimes the owners describe it as a “puppy-like” nature because ragdolls enjoy to paly around their owners and taking part in family in family activities.

Are Ragdoll Cats Good with Dogs?

Ragdoll cats are also very playful and adaptable by nature. Due to all these characteristics of ragdoll cats, they are very good pets.

Among all these features of ragdolls, one interesting feature is that ragdoll cats are very good with dogs. This is due to their gentle, playful, and relaxed nature. And sometimes they become very good friends with your puppy.

In the ragdoll and dog relationship, a dog’s temperament matters too. Generally, gentle and non-aggressive dogs become good friends with ragdolls. But if your canine is aggressive and constantly invades the ragdoll by occupying its sleep space or its favourite toys, then you will face so much trouble with them getting along.

The dog’s nature is very important if you are planning to keep your ragdoll and canine together. Generally, the breed of dog plays a crucial role in knowing their behaviour.

If you are planning to have a smaller breed dog like a chihuahua or Jack Russell for your ragdoll, then they will always try to invade the personal space of your cat, which your cat doesn’t like at all.

Similarly, large-breed dogs are larger in size than your ragdoll, so they may frighten your cat.

So in my opinion, the best time to keep your dog and cat together is when they are very young. If you buy them together, then your dog and cat are puppies and kittens. When dogs and cats grow up together from their childhood, they become good friends.

Many ragdoll owners have noticed that ragdolls enjoy the company of their dogs. It is noticed that the dog-cat relationship becomes better when the cat is introduced to the dog at a young age. Then they become good friends with each other over time.

Best Dog For A Ragdoll Cat

Dogs breed which are gentle, calm, tolerant and friendly in nature are go best along with ragdoll cat. Ragdolls get along well with dogs that are calmer and thus a beautiful relation forms between them.

There are 7 dog breeds that go well along with your ragdoll.

  • Basset Hound
  • Beagle
  • Bulldog
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Collie
  • Golden Retriever
  • Labrador Retriever

The dog should be well-trained and non-threatening the your ragdoll cat won’t face any problem getting along with them.

Reasons why ragdoll cat and dog coexist

There are many reasons why ragdoll cats can coexist with dogs. But I mentioned here four main reasons.

Ragdoll is gentle and calm

Ragdoll is a very calm and relaxed cat and it has a very gentle temperament. It is also very less aggressive in nature thus it is easygoing and becomes a good fit with other pets including dogs. They tend to undergo lesser conflict with other dogs. 

This nature of ragdoll cats makes them a better fit for your family if you already have a dog in your family. 

Ragdoll are social in nature

Ragdoll are very much social in nature they enjoy the companionship of other animals. They like to being around with other animals like dogs. They enjoy to play and enjoy with dogs.

Ragdolls are more like dog

Ragdolls are very much playful cat and enjoy with families thus many people names it as puppy. Ragdolls are more playful and they play with balls and other staff like dogs. Even ragdoll can’t afraid with dogs even they play with dogs happily. So, if you have dogs and ragdoll together in your home it is you would notice a fine companionship between them.

How to introduce your dog with your ragdoll?

Are Ragdoll Cats Good with Dogs

Ragdoll cats are gentle and easygoing in nature thus it can go along with any animal e.g. dogs. But if your cat is new then you need to keep attention while introducing your dog with ragdoll. 

If your canine is calm and less agressive then it would be less stressful while introducing them. But if your canine is agressive and particularly high-strung that don’t know how to interact with cats and other animal then go slow while introducing then and continuously monitor their behavior. 

When you bring a new ragdoll at your home then take some time to introduce them. Here are some tips to introduce your canine with your ragdoll smoothly.

Firstly, when your cat is new at your home always keep your dog in leash. Because if your dog is bigger in size then it can frighten your cat. If such incidents happen then you can easily control your dogs behavior. 

After some days introduce them smoothly. First let your dog to sniff your ragdoll and go around it so that your dog get uaed to with the smell of your cat. Once they become comfortable and let them play and interact with each other. But here also supervise their behavior carefully. Gradually you will notice they become friend eith each other.

But according to many ragdoll experts they express that the best timr to introduce cat and dog is at their childhood age. This creates a more strong bond.

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